Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Let Them Eat Cupcakes, Cupcakes, Cupcakes
People tell stories about cupcakes, upload pictures of cupcakes they see in bakeries or of those that they've made themselves. People post videos of themselves talking about cupcakes. The blog includes the cupcake calendar and links to cupcake blogs and bakeries in NYC and other cities and to cupcake books. Don't forget to check out the cupcake haiku.
View the Cupcakes Take the Cake blog here.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I Have an Idea: Shut up!
You should be able to tell by now that I like to go to the movies. A lot. Going to the movies for me is an experience. I get there early, get my medium popcorn and my large Icee, I sit almost all the way at the top of the stadium seating, on the aisle. I actually enjoy watching the previews, partly because they allow me to decide on the next batch of movies I'm going to see.
Inevitably, a couple comes in, usually as the previews are playing, sometimes after the movie has already started. They are talking when they walk in, they talk through the previews, then they continue to talk through the entire picture. Their conversation is usually about the movie, but the couple sitting behind me last week talked about everything but the movie. Actually, the girl was talking, the guy just grunted a few responses now and then. I was hoping one of those grunts would stand for, "shut the hell up."
The last time I went to the movies, The Couple came in and sat in the row I was in, about three seats over. They talked through the entire movie, speculating about what was happening in the movie. I do not like having a movie ruined by the people next to me saying, "I bet you the butler did it!" That's exactly what it's like. Maybe I want to figure out on my own that it was Col. Mustard, with a wrench, in the library.
So this is for you, Mr. and Mrs. Ruin the Movie For Everyone Around You. Maybe discussing the movie and figuring the mystery out is part of your experience. OK, fine. But could you sit in those seats in front of the stadium part so the rest of us don't have to hear it? And I'm not implying anything, but here's an article my friend posted about a guy who shot someone in a theatre who wouldn't stop talking. Again, I do not condone this behavior. I'm just sayin'...
Friday, December 26, 2008
"We have to kill Hitler"
Valkyrie is the third movie I've seen on my list of movies I want to see this holiday season. Not exactly a feel-good movie to see during the holiday season but that is not what I was expecting. It is very much of a drama with lots of moments of suspense. By how crowded the movie theatre was, it appears a lot of people were able to see past the wackiness of Tom Cruise's personal life. Good.
This is one of those films that you go into knowing pretty much how it's going to end. We all knew the Titantic was going to sink, but we still rooted for the characters; we wanted them to succeed, to survive. Well, most of them, anyway. This movie takes you to that place. This picture is not about how the plot ends, it's about the plan, the operation, the attempt. Men who felt strongly enough about their cause that they were willing to risk not only their own lives but the lives of their families as well. It did a great job of portraying the struggle the men felt, wanting to do something but knowing the consequences of failure.
It was based on a true story which, I admit, I really know nothing about, so I don't know how accurate this story is or isn't. Apparently there were 15 known attempts on Hitler's life by Germans. This movie is the portrayal of one of those attempts. As one character says, "We have to show the world that not all of us were like him."
The movie also stars Christian Berkel, Kenneth Branagh, and Terrence Stamp. I liked the movie and I recommend it. I give it three and a half Slurpees.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Holiday Potluck!
I took veggies and ranch dip, 'cause it didn't require my having to actually cook anything. But then I made the mistake yesterday of telling a couple co-workers about this recipe I saw online that I planned to make one day.
Long story short, they shamed me into making the recipe. But I'm glad I did. They were amazing although a little hard on my lactose intolerance. Whatever. I walk on the wild side.
Anyway, the recipe is on BettyCrocker.com and it's called Apple Struesel Cheesecake Bars. There is a variation that I plan to make one day called Almond Struesel Cherry Cheesecake Bars, except I'm going to make them without the almonds. Just so you know.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Baby, You Are Magnetic
It's a bunch of magnetic words that you use to create some clever saying and stick it to the refrigerator or some other magnetic surface. Except this one is for dog lovers. As I was on my way to the cafeteria I left a message on her desk: beautiful animals sniff butt.
When I got back from the cafe, she had left a message on my desk: sniff beautiful animals butt.
Oh, I am so gonna have a ball with these magical little magnets! Stay tuned...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
"Do you consider yourself to be a good person?"
Seven Pounds is the second movie I've seen from my list of movies I want to see this Christmas season. One of the reasons I wanted to see it is because the previews and commercials really haven't given too much of the movie away. I really like being able to see a movie under those circumstances and watching it unfold, without knowing much about what's going to happen. Yes, that means I am not going to tell you the plot here.
I was disappointed that I managed to guess part of what was going on a little more than half-way through the movie, but there were some surprises at the end. However, I felt things could have been much more of a surprise if they had left a few things out earlier. Do not expect a Sixth Sense punch .
Certain parts reminded me of another Will Smith movie, I am Legend: Will Smith waking up from a nightmare about something that happened in the past; Will Smith in the shower, upset about something that happened in the past; flashbacks of bits and pieces of something (we just don't know what yet) that happened in the past. Of course, we get to see the whole situation in the end.
This movie is very much of a drama, so expect it to be slow moving in certain spots. Will Smith is good at dramas, but he is really subdued in this movie and I did get a little sick of his having the same look on his face in several scenes. The potential for this movie to be great was there but lack of believeability in parts allowed it to only be good.
Smith's relationship with Rosario Dawson is, as times, elegant. In smaller roles: Barry Pepper, Woody Harrelson, and Michael Ealy. I would give this movie a three and a half out of five Slurpees (that's my new rating system). Worth seeing, but I always recommend going to the matinee just because I never pay full price for a movie.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
We're (Still) Doomed, I Tell Ya!
View the slide show here in which these experts predict what's going to happen with the economy over the next couple of years.
My favorite line: "In my view, U.S. stocks are still not attractive."
No shit.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
"The Process Has Begun"
This movie is on my list of movies I want to see this Christmas season. I'll start my review with two comments. As the closing credits were rolling a lady walking past said to me, "Not as good as the original." Then a couple went by and I heard the woman say, "It was kinda hokey." Both true statements.
I didn't expect to see Oscar-nomination-worthy performances; I just wanted to see stuff getting blown up. Surprisingly, this movie really doesn't have a lot of that. For example, you just know that in every disaster or alien-attack movie, NYC will be destroyed. In this movie, we see parts of it destroyed, but not how you would expect. This movie has way more drama and way less action than I expected.
Plus, there is a message that is overdone to the point of being preachy. And in the end, it was a little too, well... easy to get rid of the aliens.
Keanu Reeves was good at being robotic and unemotional as Klaatu. Seeing him in a suit for much of the movie was weird because I couldn't stop thinking about the bad guys in The Matrix. Jennifer Connelly is the sympathetic scientist who wants to help Klaatu. Jaden Smith seems too bratty and smart alecky most of the movie, even after we learn his situation. Kathy Bates is tough as nails as the US Secretary of Defense. In my opinion, the star of the show is the huge, indestructible, super robot that comes out of the spacecraft. He (It?) was named Gort in the original movie, although I don't remember them saying his name in this movie. Anyway, I would like to see Gort get his own starring role.
I would give the movie a two and a half out of five. My advice if you want to see this movie: either go to a matinee (absolutely do not pay full price) or wait until the DVD comes out. In better news, yes, I had my requisite Slurpee, plus I saw a preview for the upcoming Star Trek movie, which looks promising.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
You Want Some of Barack, too, Palin?
Fred Armisen on Saturday Night Live is only fair at his impersonation, although I think this past Saturday was the best he's done so far. Well, there's this kid on YouTube who's actually very good - he has the voice, the pauses and inflections, the "uh's," the head movements, and the finger pointings down. And he's also very funny. He doesn't look that much like Obama, but he is definitely the best I've heard so far.
His name is Iman Crossun and he has moved from Ohio to LA and now has a manager, so I'm sure we'll all see him somewhere, soon. Check out Iman's video on YouTube, which shows Obama preparing for a debate. This other video of the third Obama/McCain debate is great, too.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Get the Torches! I'll Grab the Pitchforks!
They apparently have Blagojevich on tape pressuring candidates for campaign contributions and other benefits. The powers that be feel it would now be unacceptable for Blagojevich to choose Obama's successor. Many are calling for his resignation, while the Illinois legislature could also vote to impeach him.
Here is my limerick celebrating this momentous event. I know, I know - I should be the US poet laureate.
Once twas a man named Blagojevich
Whose quest for power soon had a glitch
Promised contributions
Soon, his prosecution
Barack said, “The hell you thinkin’, bitch?”
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Five of My Pet Peeves, part II
Glitter - I hate any and all glitter. It is so unnecessary and it gets everywhere. Once, I was explaining to a friend of mine that I don't like glitter as I was holding a greeting card that was covered in it. She looked at me and said, "You have some glitter stuck to your forehead." My point, exactly! Now, my friends who know I don't like glitter and I try to torment each other by giving each other Christmas cards covered with as much glitter as possible. MwaHaHaHa! Merry Christmas!
Sports cars that drive 10 mph below the speed limit - I guess it's actually the drivers of the cars who are going 10 mph below the speed limit. Anyway, around here, people go 10 mph above the speed limit like it's a requirement or something. If I see another Corvette going 53 on the freeway... Why did you buy that speed machine if you're not going to at least go the speed limit? I know, I know - the cops are watching you. Whatever...
Pens with blue ink - They remind me of being in elementary school. I just think that black ink is more professional, more formal or something. Blue ink reminds me of practicing writing the alphabet on wide-ruled paper just before going out to recess. And I want absolutely no reminders of that hell known as childhood.
People who tailgate: And every time you slow down or come to a stop, they almost run into the back of your car. Like every single time, it's a surprise to them that traffic is stopping. Like all the brake lights in the other two lanes and my brake lights in front of them are somehow not enough of a hint that we're stopping now. Would you like to just come ride with me? Maybe then you'll get there a whole two seconds sooner. Hmm, maybe driving 10 mph below the speed limit is not so bad after all...
People with no sense of humor - Yes, they actually exist and I know a few of them. I have secretly studied them. My findings: they suck.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Someone Call Shyamalan
I saw something about this on TV a while back and I just read about it on the npr blog. You can load this software called Shop Savvy to your iPhone or your T-Mobile G1, and it allows you to use the phone's camera to scan the barcode of a product in a store. It then displays the cheapest price for that product and lists reviews from people who have bought the product.
The blog posting also mentions the Shazam application, which allows you to hold your phone up to a TV, car radio speaker, etc and the software identifies the song that's playing and displays a link where you can download the song. Apparently, it only works with a recording of the song; it won't work if you try to sing it (especially the way I sing).
I saw a commercial about this other technology beginning around Thanksgiving time and there is info about it on the Time magazine site. You can use your iPhone, T-Mobile Google phone, or even your Nintendo DS to download recipes and use the device as an interactive cookbook. The Nintendo DS even responds to voice commands.
I know this is just the tip of the iceberg; there's a lot of other cell phone technology out there now and some other things we haven't even heard of yet. For example, I think it was last year I heard they were working on technology where you can scan a movie poster in a movie theatre lobby and then see the preview on your phone. I wonder if that's already available? Anyway, this is all pretty cool stuff.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A Date Which Will Live in Infamy

Photo by Verna Bice.
Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Being Afraid of John Malkovich
I'm sure he's a very nice man and I know he's acting and all that, but there's just something a little...I don't know...sinister about him. I guess that means he's a really good actor. He is fascinating to me in a he-may-kill-you-in-your-sleep kinda way. He's made several movies that I liked such as In the Line of Fire, Being John Malkovich, and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Anyway, he is hosting Saturday Night Live tonight. I sure hope it's good.
Oh, and don't tell him what I said about him.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
We're Mad as Hell!!
"I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the streets, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it... I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!!"
I Can't Fuggetaboutit
I play it as an app through Facebook, although there is a standalone online version. A friend of mine convinced me to sign up and join her mob, and then I invited another friend to join. I really should not have started playing when I had a couple of days to kill while on Thanksgiving vacation. The more time I spent playing, the more strategy I learned, so the more I wanted to play. It's like crack, I tell ya.
Like a typical mob, the point is to acquire money and power by obtaining weapons and cars, committing crimes (jobs), buying property, and increasing your mob size. You can even keep your money in the bank after paying their 10% laundering fee. You can also attack rival mobs and try to steal their money. I was not at all interested in doing that. I was just going to lay low, try not to draw any attention to myself, and let my properties generate income.
Then someone attacked me. Actually, a few people attacked me and a couple got some of my money. OK, it was only like 12 virtual dollars, but it was MY 12 virtual dollars. It was so ON after that. I sought my revenge, attacking rival gangs with a passion, slowed only by my depleting health points. Once, I got lucky and stole $43K dollars from someone. MwaaHaHaHaHa, part II.
Anyway, I only need another $30K or so to go shopping tomorrow. I love the smell of grenade launcher smoke in the morning. Smells like... well, grenade launcher smoke.