Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy All Hallow's Eve

The Setting: Halloween. What is it, anyway?

According to "Samhain is the original festival that became "All Saints' Day," or "All Hallow's Evening". The day before Samhain is the last day of the old year and the day after Samhain is the first day of the pagan "New Year". Being a day "between years," it is considered a very magical night, when the dead walk among the living and the veils between past, present and future may be lifted in prophecy and divination."

"Traditionally, it is when the gates of the otherworld are open, a time when dark forces are abroad in the realm of humans."

Yikes! That's too much for me, man. All I wanna do is watch scary movies and eat some crown-threatening Tootsie Rolls, Dubble Bubble gum, and Dots. Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Press Send and Watch the Fun Begin

The Setting: You have just sent an e-mail to a friend or co-worker of yours, saying something negative about someone else. Only after clicking Send do you realize that you actually also sent the e-mail to the person you were bad-mouthing.

I can’t recall ever doing this myself, but I have had several experiences where I sent an e-mail to someone and included some unflattering things about someone else, and then the person I originally sent it to responded and copied several other people on the e-mail (bastard!). This typically happens when there's a long e-mail string and people aren't thinking about what may be included in one of the earlier e-mails.

Basically, I’ve learned to not include anything in an e-mail that I wouldn’t mind someone else seeing because I know I have zero control over what happens to that e-mail after I send it. But I am an idiot, after all, so I am sure I will continue saying things I later wish I could take back. Just refer to any of my previous blog postings for examples…

Here is the article I read today on this topic. The comments at the end of other people’s embarrassing examples are hilarious. I would love to hear your embarrassing stories, too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

That One 08

The Setting: Tuesday, October 7, 2008. The presidential debate.
John McCain: "“By the way my friends, I know you grow a little weary of this back and forth. There was an energy bill on the floor of the Senate – loaded down with goodies, billions for the oil companies,” Mr. McCain said, winding up to it. “You know who voted for it – you might never know?”
He then pointed at his rival, Senator Barack Obama, and answered his own question: "That one." He continued, “You know who voted against it? Me.”"